Saturday, August 28, 2010

Now, there's 3 on the wall.

While in the car to MCA that day, we figured I might be the first graduand for the session as my ID Card was numbered "1". During registration, it was confirmed. *jaw dropped*

曾经快放弃的我, 如今很骄傲地走上那台了.

My feeling at that time? Extremely nervous!! Especially when we're queuing in the dressing room. But after awhile, the nervousness went away. Waited too long I suppose.

I never liked being the first in line or being in front. I am the type who preferred to be at the back. I like to sit at the back of the class, the last row if possible, the most side too. Never really like to walk first too. Same goes to driving. If you notice, I'll always let others walk in front of me and let other cars lead me. I enjoy being the last in line. This way, I get to see what's happening in front of me and I do not need to bother what's happening behind me. After all, our eyes are meant to look straight ahead right? I know I sound a little crazy but the feeling is juz so ..... good. ^^

It feels good too to graduate. Goodbyes to all the struggling feeling, the uncertainty.

Definitely got to say a million Thank You to friends and fellow mates who made it happen. Couldn't have made it into First Class by myself. Until today, I believe it is a miracle that that happened.

And of course, my parents who never force me to pursue courses that I would probably regret or hate them for the rest of my life. Although now they may be the ones regretting for letting me study Broadcasting since the job, the hours and the pay sucks. Lol. Nonetheless, gotta Thank them for letting me do what I wanted. They still have countless years to bear with. =D

The worry of getting a job shall be put aside until I return from my Australia trip. Till then, I have other things to be occupied with.

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