Saturday, May 14, 2011


Aiks.. I muz have been too sleepy to have deleted my own post last night.. Silly silly me! 

想东想西的.. 想这个想那个..



想起以前有够傻的.. 两次在学校流血都没告诉婆婆或姐姐.. 在回家路途我只用了手帕一着把上口按着按到回家.. 会到家门口时手帕已经是满满都是血了!! 哈哈哈 结果被婆婆骂了一吨.. 晚上又被爸妈骂.. 笨蛋!

假如那个我是现在的我, 哪整个画面就不会存在!!


Now this post was dated back to 16 July 2010. I remember typing this last year but it only went as far as the draft. As I'm lazy to translate the Chinese entry above, I shall post it together with this since they're of similar topic... 

So the girls reminded me of a situation that happened N-years ago. One which all of them remembered but me. Not even a bit. Lol. Me walking out on a teacher? In a class?! I can't imagine I actually did that!! Tell me you girls are pulling a prank! 

Makes me think back of some decisions I have made over the years. Given the same situation (under which ever circumstances), I doubt I will act the same. Courageous, stupidity or plain stubborn? Beats me.

Mistakes they may be, but if I did gained something out it then its a different story. I dare not say that I fully regret taking all those steps. See, I always have or can come up with reasonable "excuses" for everything I do. Which eventually convinces myself that everything seems to make sense. Hence the many silly acts.

I juz wish I had taken a step back and looked at the bigger picture then.

Picture courtesy of Google image

Today, faced with those situations again, I think I would have taken 3 steps back and walk away.

Author's note: Remember this was typed almost a year ago. Does it reflect what I'm thinking right now? We'll see. 

1 comment:

Evon T said...

haha did i join u too ?
we were young n naive . . what to do ?